EP.62 Sean Lavin on Investing In A Backup Plan, Developing Your Mining Family And Becoming A Good Leader

This is an industry that certainly goes through peaks and troughs. Preparing a safety net outside of the industry, should be an option, should things go south.  

Each Wednesday, join me, Peter Finn, managing director of FACE Contracting, as I navigate the ups and downs of the mining industry with forward-thinking professionals from all walks of life. If you’re involved in the mining industry in any way – whether you’re a lifer or a high-school student looking to make the leap – Full Production is the podcast for you.

On today’s episode of Full Production Sean Lavin joins me as my guest. Unlike so many of us, Sean’s career didn’t begin with the mining industry, it was the hotel and services sector that initially caught his attention. After leaving the University of Queensland in 2004, he hopped straight into the role of Duty Manager and Human Resources Manager at Mirvac hotel. Suddenly, along came the Australian mining boom, and in 2011 Sean changed tact – leaving hospitality behind him and shifting towards a life as a heavy machinery operator. After obtaining a Master’s in HR in early 2017, he transferred internally to the graduate program to work within the corporate Human Resources department.

As of March 2019, Sean has also joined the podcasting clan and started his very own podcast series, Beneath The Surface. His podcast is centred on one-on-one conversational interviews, giving a platform to those at the coal face, so they can tell their stories from within the mining industry.

In this episode, we get to the heart of the mining family, and discuss the inner workings of the strong relationships that develop. We also talk about the other options that lie before us, and how we should all have a nest egg that we can crack into during times of uncertainty.

Also within this episode

  • Sean’s hospitality background
  • How work satisfaction is down to your comrades
  • Seeking options outside of mining
  • Sean’s education and how it has shaped his career
  • Why it’s important to get support from those closest to you
  • Empowering workers to go above and beyond
  • The perceptions of mining
  • Introducing Sean’s podcast Beneath The Surface
  • Why we should be sharing our knowledge



Sean Lavin: LinkedIn
Sean Lavin : Website
Sean Lavin: Instagram
Beneath The Surface Podcast

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