EP.15 Cameron Knight on Tapping the True Potential of Your Team, Your Business and Yourself

If you’re interested in creating a more harmonious, healthy, happier and productive mining workplace, you’re going to get a lot out of this episode of Full Production. My guest is Cameron Knight. He’s a very switched-on guy with a wealth of experience in mining, particularly in the human resources area. He has some illuminating ideas on how we can make the industry better and more fulfilling for the people who work in it.

After an illustrious career working with some of the biggest names in Australian mining, he’s made the jump into service provision as a partner in the labour hire company, Core Crew and an innovative consulting firm called Alturn. As you’ll hear, Cam has a very unique skill set and some very out-of-the-box ideas to share when it comes to mining, people management and how to get the most out of your relationships in business and in life.

We dig into ideas including:

  •      What he’s learnt from the top levels of BHP and Rio
  •      Setting a bigger picture goal for an organisation
  •      Mental fitness and equipping leaders to lead
  •      Having a purpose beyond the money
  •      Making the mining industry more values driven
  •      Creating environments that bring out the best in workers
  •      Unions in mining – good or bad?
  •      The future of the industry from a people perspective
  •      How technology will change the workforce


Core Crew
Alturn Partners

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